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宝宝安全 妈妈放心

2014-02-24 18:47 来源:宁波艾博尔妇产医院 浏览:
导语:台式大妇产理念 充分保障妇婴医疗安全 产妇是艾博尔的核心服务人群,艾博尔创新提出了贯穿孕、产、育全程的台式大妇产孕育新理念,从个案管理师专人跟进顾客孕期检查,到导

“台式大妇产”理念 充分保障妇婴医疗安全


The concept of “Taiwan style of Obstetrics and Gynecology” is to fully protect maternal and infant medical safety.

Maternal is the core services group of Abler. Abler innovation points out the new concepts of maternity throughout the pregnancy, childbirth, and education. From the "case manager", follow up on the customer pregnancy checks, to guide the musicians accompany childbirth, until the adoption of the pelvic floor repair medical technology into postpartum recovery areas. All of that with the " Taiwan style of depth rehabilitation" as the core, while shaping the post-partum body, the same time also focusing on the pelvis, pelvic floor muscles and internal organs depth care and maintenance. Rehabilitation will also implement ‘internal care plus outside shaping” depth postpartum recovery, and take good care of newborn baby, so that the process of pregnancy, childbirth and education can make the three levels of woman’s body, mind, and spirit to achieve a good health. Thus, establishing a “full medical safety protection system” that can effectively implement the concept of “Taiwan Style of Obstetrics and Gynecology”.

朱启凤 主任医师


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